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What is exactly as interior design? | Home Improvement Tips

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As so often speak about objects, functions or sets of concepts are interchangeable in the sense just the same, then the situation in the interior design. ?

is the correct formulation,? interior design ?or? ?Interior decoration is? There a difference in meaning? Now, after the South African Institute of Interior Design Professions (IID), there is a difference. According to the Institute , is an interior designer, an architect, a completed over five years than in Interior Design at the University of Pretoria. Legally the only person to discover are mainly interested in how you use the term interior architect / designer. interior designers, and solve problems related the function and quality of the indoor setting. This is before, of course, clearly the goal of the architects of this function in simple terms has nothing to do with aspects of an interior decorating to do, but with the interior design problems, including database design and technical drawing of a place while the application of building regulations in the interest of public safety and health.

An interior designer is again mainly with the functional design and involved decorating an interior space and applies the principles of the renovation to accentuate a room the room. It is also obvious that the functions of an interior designer and an interior designer often overlap as trial functions of a room or building, but there is a difference in the newspaper.

While it is understood that the two functions of interior design and interior designers in their expected output differ, it is also clear that where should coexist in order to achieve the desired effect. One could imagine that if there is new building an interior designer / architect completed and would have its role and work for the interior designer must be ?color ?a particular platform. In the case of decorating new or improve a current home or building to interior designers and interior decorators who work together to get the best result of what the client had envisioned expected supply. In order to entirely fair, interior designers should be mentioned that their interests by the South African Association of Interior Designers (SAGID) will be overlooked, is, despite all indications to that effect to both ?decorators? and ?designer?, although the IID?s claim, the only point, the architects and interior designers is to be involved in interior design. a little confusing to say the least, but at least it involved know two functions, and represents what most likely not a public concern, but that professional of standards. ? / P the most important> this question is to know who you work to turn to when they are about to cause a change in image of a room or at home, total ? structural changes and re decoration ? or just renovating, ie exchange the furniture and curtains, etc. Regardless of the project, the picture could be quite clear that, instead of trying to project itself can be beneficial for you to call in the professionals. About the Author Mary

Probably one of the election of the head to Web sites for tips and advice on interior design, the site http://www.hanlie-claasen-interiors.co.za

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Mary Tirrasas

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Source: http://jorgemier.com/interior-design/what-is-exactly-as-interior-design.htm

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