সোমবার, ১৩ আগস্ট, ২০১২

Five Great Computer Case Designs | Dbogdan.com

Laptop and mobile computing is in, the desktop is out of popular culture. However, many computer users know that desktops are where you could play games, where the processing power is much powerful than any laptop (maybe except for a mac laptop of course). But they are quite bulky and have to stay in one place. Looking like a form of furniture or stationary appliance, many people and companies have customized CPU cases to help them liven up a room?s ambiance. Here are a few of these examples.

1. Lian Li PC-A01

A million-dollar computer such as the Lian Li PC-A01 is essential for maximum processing power for millions of data processes and demanding, specialized programs for certain business or industrial functions. However, if you?re expecting a refrigerator-type of computer, get a load of this. The tubes were designed to connect to it?s external heat syncs. Given the strong power of its components, the external heat syncs effectively dissipate the heat.


2. WMD

A CPU case that appears like the nuclear warheads and bombs we see on movies. Sleekly designed by Peter Dickison, the entire CPU case is made of stainless steel and even has an LCD timer. Big name companies, such as AMD, Engelking, Western Digital and the Bit-Tech.net staff and communities have worked with Dickison to make his project a success.


3. Wall-E Track

Remember adorable Wall-E?s tracks and treads? Well a Russian guy built a CPU case entirely made from stainless steel. Each detail was carefully considered, measured and cut according to size. On this website, he shows how he made each part carefully, every step of the way.

4. V8 Engine

What?s a better way to play a racing game on your computer if your gaming engine REALLY LOOKS LIKE AN ACTUAL ENGINE. The designer made it appear so much as a real engine I actually believed it on first sight.


5. Trash Can

For those looking for something more discreet but unique, the trash can CPU is obviously the best choice. You can place it at the side of your desk just like a normal trash can. What it exemplifies are good exhausts and heat removal because of its wire-frame body. Definitely a keeper.


Source: http://www.dbogdan.com/technology/five-great-computer-case-designs/

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