The western rosella (Platycercus icterotis) is a native of South-West Australia and is part of the pay-tailed parrots. This colorful bird is the size of a thrush, has a length of 26 cm (measured from head to end of the tail) and weighs between 50-80 g, having a thick, short beak of light-gray colour; its wings are short and the tail is rather long and slightly ?storied?. The legs are short, with a brown-gray colour and its eyes have a brown iris.
The plumage of the male is different from that of the female: the plumage on the head and belly has a reddish color, the cheeks are yellow, the tail is green, the back is black, variegated with yellowspots, the lower wing feathers are green and the lower parts of the upper wings and feathers of the tail are blue-violet. Females have a bright plumage with shades, the neck and head are greenish, cheeks are yellow, the tail is green and the lower part of the tail is greenish-blue, while the back is variegated with black, yellow, brown; the belly is red, and the superior part of the wings is green.
These parrots prefer open areas with forests, with meadows, along rivers and stands of trees, where they live in small family groups consisting of a total of about 24 copies, and when they choose a partner they spend their entire life with the partner. In general they avoid very dense and dark forests. During the mating period the female lays three to seven eggs in a nest arranged and hidden very high in the hollow of a tree.
They often prefer to make their nest in the hollows of eucalyptus. Only females sit on the eggs for a period of about 20-21 days, then the chicks appear; at the begining they are covered with down and only after 34 days their feathers are starting to grow. Chicks are fed and protected by both parents until they are able to fly. These birds reach maturity at the age of 1-2 years. At first they have a predominantly green plumage, then after about 12 months it becomes colorful.
Their food consists mainly of fruits and seeds, but it also includes herbs and insects. In order to facilitate digestion they tend to swallow small pebbles.
Those wishing to purchase this parrot must first prepare the environment for it, to buy a cage big enough ? length o f60 cm, width of 30 cm and a height of 50 cm. If you choose a pair of parrots, the size of the cage should be double. During the summer it can be kept in lofts or the garden. Their diet should be made up of wheat, sorghum, barley, white and red millet, yellow millet, striped sunflower seeds, canary grass, hemp, oats, peanuts and walnuts. Fruits and vegetables like apples, lettuce, carrots are also a must in their daily diet.
Also their diet can be supplemented with boiled eggs and cheese, minerals and vitamins, especially during the period of sitting on eggs. It is very important to keep their cage clean all the time; they also should have a bowl with fresh water and a layer of fine river sand, whose granules help digestion. Then you have to arrange a little burrow in the cage where the female can sit onthe eggs and various thick branches that the birds will eat with pleasure, in order to blunt their beak. The western rosella belongs to the order of Psittaciformes, Psittacidae family. It is not an endangered species.
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