We Want To Live
by Janet Riddle
To those who enjoy the unfair fight
and destroy those weaker with delight
Many excuses the hunter will use
in all of them the animals lose
"Overpopulation" ~ a common claim
they eagerly kill, yet animals are to blame?
It is said this murder is a must
but make no mistake, this killing is lust
"It's fair their senses are good" ~
tell that to the deer roped to a hood
He'll be beheaded and fit to a frame
morbid decor, have we no shame?
"Heritage" ~ another excuse to maim
a ruthless bloodsport in heritage's name
Teaching children callous death
and to eagerly watch a dying breath.
Living beings filled with lead
fallen animals whose blood was shed
Barbaric "sport" that leaves a bloody trial
Classic example of where our ethics fail
Thanks to One Voice for the beautiful graphic
Violence Begets Violence and Killing For Sports is EXTREME VIOLENCE
"One of the most dangerous things that can happen to a child is to kill or torture an animal and get away with it," Margaret Meade, Anthropologist.This young boy (in photo) from a hunter family killed his father and his pregnant girlfriend.
David Ludwig: A Case of Violent Results from Being Taught Violence -
David Lugwig is an eighteen year old who has been arrested and charged with killing the parents of his fourteen year old girlfriend, Kara Beth Borden. click here
Is Trophy Hunting A Form of Serial Killing?
"For me and many of the people who contact me to offer their support, killing innocent animals for self-gratification is no different from killing innocent people for self-gratification. By extension, then, trophy hunting--the repeated killing of wild animals--should surely be viewed as serial killing. And in the same moral light humanity's thinking is, I feel beginning to approach such a level of morality."Lion Expert and Conservationist Gareth Patterson Takes Aim
Full Article here
Save Cayuga Deer
"The deer have no voice, and no choice, in this matter. It is up to us to decide what happens.
Thankfully, we have the ability as a community to chose to set aside violent options, to work together to find an approach to decreasing the impact of deer-human conflict that is safe, ethical, and rational. In doing so, we will not only be following our own best traditions, we will also be blazing a trail that can be followed by the many communities nationwide who are struggling with similar issues."
"What will we teach our children about how to resolve conflict? Will it be violence, or creative problem solving?
The Choice is In Our Hands"
Read Shot For Tulips
Sign Petition
What is our mission?
Our mission is to banish cruelty and death done in the name recreation ("sports" and trophy). This is not about Veganism as some hunters like to claim because even non-Vegan are disgusted by "sports" hunters, seriously what decent humans would agree with killing animals for "fun"?. It benefits no one and the State Wildlife Agencies continues to rejects deer birth control (which works) because their intention has always been to have an abundance of deer for recreational purpose. Great blood money for the State Agencies and one big thrill after another by the "sportsman" of America as our wildlife suffers and human suffers and die from Deer Vehicle Accidents and Hunting accidents. Do people really believe kill over 6 million deer during deer hunting season is "normal" part of deer biology and the eco-system?. How is it that they manage to kill this many deer year after year if the purpose of hunting is to "reduce" deer population thus deer vehicle accidents. ? How come the most heavily hunted states seems to have the most deer thus the highest deer vehicle accidents.? "Deer Management" is a sham and the State Agencies and recreational hunters DO NOT care about human lives lost in Deer Vehicle Accidents because they, knowing that killing does not work, would have all demanded deer birth control but instead they fear it like the plague and rejects it. DNR and Hunters knows about the ecological principal called the "compensatory rebound" but public does not and that is why the public are fooled into thinking mass killing means reduction and also assuming reduction in Deer Vehicle Accidents. It will be reduced for temporarily but the stock of deer are always replenished in time for the killing season and that is why deer vehicle accidents are the highest during the months of Oct - Dec.
Please open your eyes people the DNR and recreational hunters are not on your side. They are small but very vocal human monsters and lies, euphemistic words and whitewash is what they use in their desperate effort to keep your support. If you or your family member hits a deer and gets injured or dies you think the DNR will finally say "we need deer birth control"? NO. They will reject it and I believe that they like the mangled cars because fear is what keeps the public approval. The public cannot stand the killers on tree stand which can pose danger to themselves, children and pets plus the senseless cruelty to our wildlife but they feel they have no choice because they are being lied to about deer birth control.. DNR and hunters need to get honest and let the public know that deer birth control here, safe and it works BUT honesty is not what they are about, only greed, self gratification, and "power" from the lives of the innocent.
One final thing, how come if lethal deer killing is about "reduction" in many State Wildlife Agencies manual you'll often see the words "fawn recruit", "produce", "fawn crops", "supplement feeding", "food plots", "provide", and "kill predators". Sounds a lot like their intention is to have a large deer herd , even in the expense of human lives from DVA's.
Source: http://mathew5-7.blogspot.com/2012/02/brave-woman-rides-moped-into-forest-to.html
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