সোমবার, ২ জানুয়ারী, ২০১২

Investing Wisely -- Something to Ponder and Personalized Support ...

Something to Ponder:

Historical Review of: 2007 - 2009 - Bear Market - & - 2011 - 2012 - Bear Market

This is a REPEAT of my posting on December 24th. I hope you will read my long experience with interest.

I have added a VERY REVEALING Chart (January - December 2011) to the following URL: http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/Favorites.CServlet?obj=ID4429111

It is the very first Chart you will see - the other 36 are simple supportive and relate to my posting of last week.

If you do not relate to the message that Charts like this provide - put your money in Money Market Funds or CDs - - You are a "Hopeless" Investor!

However, if you are, or would like to be a "Serious" Investor - you might do three things. First stop reading more than 2 - 3 Blogs - PERIOD ! and Second try reading my Blog for six months. Lastly, ask questions via Email of the Bloggers you follow - you will soon learn who really knows what they are talking about and whether or not they know how to consistently make money in the stock market.

The URL for my Blog is: http://twitter.com/InvestRotation

Well here are the real / honest STATS for the Year 2011.

The Damned Media is posting FALSE numbers for the year and trading ended less than 24 hours ago. Why is there an urgency to lie? Wall Street, Brokers, Stock Brokers, Financial Analysts are and have been lying to you for Years. Why is it so hard for Investors to understand that fact?

If you do not understand or know the term "BREADTH" then you will never know the "TRUTH" about how easy it is, has been and will be for them to continue to lie and manipulate nearly all Investors. Breadth is their secret and that is the "HOW" and the "WHY" you are getting screwed each and every day. Most of these purveyors of false information do not know themselves that they are part of such a huge conspiracy. That is how sick it really is!

Here are the honest STATS for 2011 for the following - Majors: (Please read the notes on the above referenced Chart posted my me in StockCharts Public List.

Breadth: Down at least 30% for the year 2011. (I am being generous with that percent figure).

Dow 30: Up 6% for the year 2011.

New York Composite: Down 6% for the year 2011.

Nasdaq Composite: Down 2% for the year 2011.

Compare these four Indexes and see how close the big 3 track each other and how different the Breadth really is.

If you cannot relate to my missive, the message I have been sending to Investors for over 50 years - - Find Another Blogger that makes YOU FEEL GOOD with False / Distorted / Flat Out Lies about the STATS and much more prolifically the Financial / Economic information they some how contrive !

I have identified many Bear Markets over the 50 plus years of being a private asset manager and financial analyst.

Something to Ponder both Bullish, as well as Bearish time frames. I often refer you to the 30 component stocks of the Dow Jones Average and ask you to look at where each of these component stocks are since the late 1990s. Twelve or fifteen years should Get Your Attention by the FACT that only ??? of these Companies were making new (Long - Term) highs when the 2011 Bear Market commenced in April of this past year - 2011. They are: CAT, CVX, DIS, IBM, JNJ, MCD, MMM, TRV, UTX, VZ. Ten (10) of Thirty (30) -- 10 / 30 is 33%. As an old Professor of Economics and Finance if you scored 33% on my tests you flunked and did not graduate. In the stock market it is just as simple - if your score 33% you Lose Money! Isn't that Scary and Something to Ponder with the world Economic Condition - as it is and will be for the foreseeable future?

For graphic support of this missive, please have a look at the charts that I have presented in StockCharts - PubicList. The include all 3o Dow Components - Apple, Inc. as the kind of Company to Invest your money in Wisely, and Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Treasuries and the U. S. Dollar. The URL is: http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/Favorites.CServlet?obj=ID4429111

Well here is 2007 in a nut shell and why I came out of retirement to try to help:

There were two distinct major pull backs in this Primary Bear Market of 2007 through 2009. I have broken down both pull backs by using my (primary) five proprietary Technical Indicators. As usual, both these Pull Backs were rather briefly interrupted by what is called a Bear Market Rally.

The 2007 - 2009 Bear market was a bit unique. Its devastation to you portfolios, and that there were just two pull backs instead of the usual three. Often in the more distant Bear Markets there were three or more distinct major pull backs before a bottom was reached.

We will now have to wait and see what will come in the ensuing months and quarters ahead for this current Bear Market? I hope you are in Cash or seeking experienced guidance for prudently taking some Bear Market positions.

At this writing, I cannot see any positive long-term changes from the Bearish Position I took, in this blog, way back in October of 2010.

Not one of these specific five Technical Indicators were available in any Chart Service prior to 2007 and at the time that I -- came out of retirement and published a single mini blog saying that: "A 2007 Bear Market is upon us, and you had better move your investment positions to Cash." This was in October 2007. I only had only a few Clients to advise and more important to you - (Inverse) ETFs were not prudent and mature investment choices as yet - today ETFs is a flourishing part of the U. S. and foreign Stock Market activity.

My (primary) five Indicators are all "Leading Indicators" - that means they are anticipatory and lead me to my procedures for "fine tuning" and the eventual Taking Selective Investment Positions as appropriate in either Bull or Bear Market environments. Obviously, in this case (October 2007), it was taking selective Bearish (Short) Positions.

I would like to be very clear that Technical Analysis is by far the most dynamic of the three forms of Securities Analysis (Analytics) that I use. It can be graphically presented for all of the world to study in just a few picture charts. It is very important for me to note that as a financial analyst / asset manager for over 50 years I view both Fundamental Analysis and Consensus Analysis as having as much, or more, to do with the identification of Primary Inflections Points as does Technical Analysis. Unfortunately, to present an adequate picture of the current or past Fundamental and Consensus Analysis would take volumes of pages and therefore, is not practical in such a short missive. I believe you should also know that Inflection Points present themselves rather frequently each year, that is over the on-going Cycles of the General Stock Market.

For graphic support of this missive, please have a look at the charts that I have presented in StockCharts - PubicList. The include all 3o Dow Components - Apple, Inc. as the kind of Company to Invest your money in Wisely, and Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Treasuries and the U. S. Dollar. The URL is: http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/Favorites.CServlet?obj=ID4429111

I sincerely hope that you will take the time to study the flow of my narrative and come to realize that there is no longer any other way to grow your retirement and general assets. Mutual Funds and the old "Buy and Hold" is no longer a prudent way to invest your money.

Please note both here and on the Historic Chart for the 2007 - 2009 in StockCharts - PublicList, there are specific 2007 - 2009 Bear Market statistics that should seriously get your attention. If they do not get your attention, you are hopelessly lost forever enjoying the possibility of being a profitable and successful investor!

Look at the The Stats: (see the above referenced charts)

First Leg Down: Loss of about 11%.

Second Leg Down: Loss of about 45%.

Combined, First and Second Legs Down or a Total Loss of approximately: 56%

Just for the record, it was much worse than the above with many, many mutual funds!

Well here is 2011 in a nut shell and it is getting very Scary and also Something to Ponder:

The first leg down was on the Dow 30 Industrials: 12,876 - high and 10, 404 low - (late April to early October). The First Leg Down was a Loss of 19% and worse than the First Leg Down in 2007-2008 by 8 %.

Isn't the Scary ? Am I - Getting Your Attention and offering Something to Ponder?

Folks the Facts and the Numbers are all that count. You are being fed huge quantities of media, Wall Street, Stock Brokers, Financial Analysts, Blogger -- Crap and BS. It is the Facts and the Numbers that you can rely on and Nothing Else - now-a-days.

Have a wonderful holiday season and please - engage your brain just a little bit more than usual.

I will publish this same missive again next Saturday or Sunday.

Thanks, I hope this provides a better picture of my work / analytics.

The URL for accessing my personel / private blog is: http://twitter.com/#!/InvestRotation
My Email Address is: senorstevedrmx@yahoo.com

Thanks for permitting me to share my "stuff." I would of course appreciate your - Telling a Friend or Two about my Work / Analytics . . .

Just something to ponder . . . From an old fox.

How to become a Client or Prospective Client:
If you would like to have further information on my work / analytics or perhaps my professional asset management, mentoring or consulting - services . . . I would appreciate your sharing just a bit about yourself and your investment objectives - via Email.
I will need you to provide information regarding your investment needs, goals and objectives as well as - how you think my work / analytics might be of help in your quest to enjoy being consistently profitable on an annual basis.
Please understand that I am seeking "serious investors" to become Clients. I am willing to work with you as a Prospective Client providing on going forecasts, warrnings, alerts, advice / direction on your existing portfolio. I wish I could do more!
Just send me an Email, and I will respond promptly.

Thank you so very much for your time in reading my "stuff." It is conservative investing your capital, it is low risk exposure to the marketplace, it will very quickly provide you with financial peace of mind and it is very profitable guidance.


Smile, have Fun - "Investing Wisely",


Steven H. Bauer, Ph.D.

Steve has several degrees, i.e. post graduate degrees and doctorate and a great deal of (too much) continued education. For seven years, he did a stent as a University Professor of Finance and Economics.

He owned a privately held asset management firm and managed individual investor and corporate accounts as a Registered Investment Advisor - for over 40 years.

Professionally he is a financial analyst and private asset manager / consultant / mentor.

Steve can be reach at senorstevedrmx@yahoo.com

Copyright ? 2010-2011 Steven H. Bauer, Ph.D.

All Images, XHTML Renderings, and Source Code Copyright ? Safehaven.com

Source: http://www.safehaven.com/article/23829/investing-wisely-something-to-ponder-and-personalized-support-direction

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